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Striving to Reach More with Shortcuts --from Masters and
Millionaires Shortcuts : History's most effective shortcuts to success
For well over 400 months now, I've read an average of thirty to fifty books per month. I did not read thousands and thousands of books; I read a book or two per day for thousands of days. Do you understand the difference? You have that same magic inside of you, provided you're focusing on something that you are passionate about, something that makes you either whoop, holler, or just feel good all over.
All human excellence devolves down to passion.
One of my passions has been books. What are some of YOUR passions? Whoops; let's start with just one or two. NAME YOUR PASSIONS!! OUT LOUD!! Let's get the ball rolling today, because your life is not improving by watching someone else earn fifty thousand dollars per day to throw a ball here and there; your personal pleasure does not expand while you watch a moderately amusing human earn a hundred thousand dollars per episode on TV. It is at the moment that you reach, that you reach inside for your passion, that we can quickly get you moving towards what is to you personally... ... the happiest states of life.
A passion pursued on a daily basis is a series of events in your life that will shape who you are, where you end up, and just how fulfilled you will believe yourself to be.
More influentially than all those great books, I've had the extraordinary good fortune to have personally interviewed and/or broken bread with more than five thousand exquisitely accomplished people, from Olympic Champions and thousands of upper corporate and institutional leaders, most of whom went from poverty or other challenges to fantastic success and/or wealth. People like John Leonis, CEO of Litton Industries (the world's largest manufacturer of surface naval warships and so much more); and the dignified Mr. Anton, NYSE Director, or the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve or CEO of Macy's and Zayle's Diamonds, and thousands of other true achievers. Without any doubt there are shortcuts that these inspiring top achievers use on a regular basis. This is how they accomplish more in one year than you do in twenty: they simply shut up and do more of what they already know. Thinking that you have to know more to do more is working the recipe forwards instead of backwards. If that sounds a bit twisted to you, your brain is not analytically trained. Doesn't matter a whit in terms of using the same shortcuts, because they work pretty close to one hundred percent of the time.
One hundred percent means what it sounds like. For example, self-made billionaires have told us all again and again that they get to be billionaires only by asking more people more times for what they want. While physical force was the primary method of attainment for thousands of years, eat comes under the banner of asking: they simply did not ask nicely; they asked, and they took anyway. Yet the root remains the same: asking for what we want is the single fastest way to get what we want. THIS fact has not changed in all this time; it's not likely to change just because you choose to entertain a materially useless opinion that it won't work for you.
One hundred percent means that, if you write down the names of precisely one hundred people, organizations and agencies who MIGHT be able to help you out, and you then contact all one hundred, there is a one hundred percent likelihood that you will either have what it is you've asked them for, OR made more identifiable progress towards it than in your whole life added up together!
Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts - PowerGems
Dozens and more dozens of self-made millionaires shared this particular gem with me. It is HUGELY, rapidly effective. You might want to read this section twice, and carefully. When those who do better at something speak on their subject, we're getting it from the horse's mouth. Everyone else is at the wrong end of the horse... or they, too, would be doing it better, true, or not?
There's little question about how you respond when a younger person comes to you and says, "I really respect and admire you, can you help me with__________________?"
We both know you have plenty of advice, plenty of suggestions, true? Well, why not ask yourself for a bit of help? That might even spur you to asking other people to help you get what you want, in which case you'll soon have that contract or lesson, job or skis... whatever it is that you keep asking for.
Again and again we all prove each day which end of the horse we're getting information from, hm? Please remember, America now has seven million millionaires. At Who's Who Worldwide, where my job was to interview the leaders of America, I realized that in order to interview every person in the top one percent of each field would mean interviewing more than two and half MILLION people who rank in the top one percent.
After thirty days of
interviewing a dozen or more per week, you get better at it, and you can have a dozen different millionaires on the phone in any given day. By the time six and eight and ten months have gone by, and you hear the same comments and shortcuts and techniques and
sentences being repeated in so many different conversations and interviews, you begin using them yourself, even as you think, "Yeah, yeah."
All of us learn best right up until we personally find ourselves learning guitar quickly, or piano, and how to interact with men worth hundreds
of millions of dollars... and how to get eem to say "Yes," and here comes the most important part: successfully encouraging them to say "YES!" more than half the time! Is your brain in next gear yet? Can you imagine you personally being able
to get top-level decisions makers, and even low- and mid-level decision makers, to say yes to you again and again and again?
Want to talk about shortcuts? Find a dozen and more people who are top, TOP-drawer 'closers,' men and women who
are paid fantastic sums because they are experts in getting people to say yes, and do nothing more than listen to them and record everything they say and do.
Between 80 and 90 percent of the time, you will hear them use virtually identical
sentences and tones of voice.
They ask up to eight times for what they want.
They studiously avoid any disagreement whatsoever. They are not
asking to the customer to buy the product so much as they are asking them to believe that the salesperson is presenting a value to the customer first, and the salesman second. A vital part of this is avoiding conflict. Agreeing, then resolving
Prudential Insurance Company, with approximately 100 successful years in the past century, have formally studied top closers since 1917. One of their studies of salespeople, achieved in conjunction with Princeton University,
determined that in no less than 48% of all sales interviews, the salesperson leaves without ever asking for the sale.
This is perfectly parallel to life, where in no less than 48% of your
opportunities to get what you want, you don't even ask for what you want, because you think you're smart enough to know in advance that you will hear a negative response.
2) Every time they hear what
is called an objection, they do what half of all salespeople never ever do.* When they hear the objection, the first thing they do is agree with the objection. They then use the objection -- are you ready for this?-- as the specific reason why the
other person should say yes. It's a fantastic technique, and usually works at least once in the first three or four times you try it out. The phrase I've heard and used myself most often is, "Yes, sir, that's how I feel too, and that's why our solution
may have special appeal for you." Then, offer two solutions, and leave him or her with the choice of those two. Don't ask IF she wants, ask her WHICH she'd prefer.
Please, stop being so smart;
you're outthinking yourself.